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发布日期:2017-12-05   浏览次数:0
核心提示:产品名称:a href=http://www.medchemexpress.cn/Felypressin.htmlFelypressin/a__Felypressin是Vasopressin 1激动剂,能够影响
产品名称:Felypressin__Felypressin是Vasopressin 1激动剂,能够影响精氨酸所有的vasopressin receptor 1As。
Felypressin相关产品SBE-β-CD  |  MPTP hydrochloride  |  Cyclosporin A  |  Etomoxir  |  Auranofin  |  GKT137831  |  Ceruletide  |  Acetylcysteine  |  JC-1  |  BPTES  |  Brassinolide  |  FCCP  |  IPTG  |  MTT  |  RSL3 1S,3R-  |  
                                                             Felypressin is a Vasopressin 1 agonist, and will thus have effects at all Arginine vasopressin receptor 1As.target: Vasopressin 1 agonist;Felypressin is a synthetic hormone of the posterior pituitary lobe characterized by vasoconstrictor properties that is widely used in dental procedures.Felypressin has been widely added to local anesthetic solutions to increase the duration of the anesthetic effect and reduce the risk of toxicity during dental procedures.
[1]. Bronzo AL et al. Felypressin increases blood pressure during dental procedures in hypertensive patients. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012 Aug;99(2):724-31.
                                                                [2]. Cecanho R et al. Cardiovascular effects of felypressin. Anesth Prog. 2006 Winter;53(4):119-25.
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